Software Licensing and Entitlement Management
Software Licensing and Entitlement Management
Software Licensing and Entitlement Management
Manage Your Entitlements

Manage Your Entitlements

A better way for software and hardware manufactures to manage the entitlements, licenses and subscriptions offered to their customers.

Increase Your Sales

Increase Your Sales

Turn your customers’ one-time purchases into recurring revenue streams with the Poetic Subscription Module.

Protect Your Profits

Protect Your Profits

Prevent piracy and track customer installations of your software with the Poetic Activation module.

Know Your Customers

Know Your Customers

Collect real-time data about your software and device usage to improve your products and delight your customers.

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We Solve Today's Entitlement Problems

We bring enterprise power to the world of entitlement management. We provide companies with an efficient, integrated way to maintain customer licensing, entitlement, subscription and usage information. Poetic, our flagship product, is custom designed to manage the thorny issues associated with customer entitlements throughout the entitlement lifecycle. That’s something your CRM or ERP system just wasn’t designed to do.

Update your license Management

Moving on
from Flex or Safenet/Thales?


Poetic is license-technology agnostic. No need to change your software or modify your technical licensing.


As a Reprise™ Software partner we offer the Reprise License Manager (RLM) locking technology. Poetic can also integrate with other commercial and home-grown technologies.

Ready to go

With APIs and plugins to support homegrown, web-based and other, proprietary license technologies, you have all you need to leverage Poetic's superior entitlement management in the cloud.


Integrate with your existing ERP, CRM, shopping cart and other enterprise systems using Poetic’s SOAP web and REST web services. Plug in any embedded software license technologies you use today and give yourself room to grow tomorrow.​


Poetic provides you and your customers with one-stop shopping for all of your licensing needs. Keep track of all of your customer entitlements. Track registrations, handle subscriptions or monitor application usage, all in one system.​


With more than 500 security settings and a role-based structure, you can make sure users can see only what they are allowed to see while providing admin users with access to all the data they need.​

Entitlement Management on Your Terms

Poetic gives you a configurable platform for managing entitlements from software licenses and subscriptions to support and warranty that works with what you have today. With hundreds of configurations and more than 90 integration points, Poetic fits into your existing systems and infrastructure.

Poetic Modules


Platform configuration, custom reporting product and customer masters are all part of the core module of Poetic. Included in this is a sophisticated background job processor to help ensure that your entitlement system runs smoothly even when millions of entitlements are being updated, created and managed.


If your software requires an encrypted key to work, Poetic can make those keys available directly to your customers based on your configured business rules. Simple or complex configurations, one key thousands of times or thousands of keys at one time, the Poetic activation module supports it all.

Subscription & Usage

With APIs to process payment, tax, inventory, shipping and invoicing services and a UI widget for external portal integrations, this module supports time-, count- and delivery-based subscription models and can be configured to automatically generate recurring invoices or delivery orders. 

Upgrade & Renewal

Define and execute scheduled jobs to automatically upgrade your customers entitlements, notify them, generate new keys, replace old keys and generate  fulfillment orders. This module takes enables your most sophisticated upgrade mappings and schemes.


Control access to your digital downloads with the Poetic ESD module. Limit access to users with entitlements or open access up to everyone. It supports plugin API’s to external ESD storage providers. Simplify your process for delivering digital updates or documents to your customers.

Channel Integration

Poetic was built with your channel in mind. It includes support for channel tier security roles, linking channel partners to individual entitlements and limiting channel users’ access to customer data. Each channel partner can have a customized look and feel for their portal as well.


You get these features, standard

Insights & Reporting

A complete set of schedulable reports makes it easy to feed data to external systems for business intelligence evaluations or data warehouse storage.

Multi-lingual & Internationalization Support

Establish a confident global presence with support for your own terminology and localizations for every country you serve.​

Configurable Notifications

Keep your customers informed about changes to their accounts, licenses and entitlements with customized html-formatted email notifications.

Save Money While Implementing Industrial-Strength Entitlement Management

Servers available world-wide

Windows or Linux platforms available

20+ years experience managing entitlements for industry giants

Professional help migrating to Poetic

Private and multi-tenant offers to fit any budget

24 X 7 global support available

Robust, flexible and powerful technical licensing using RLM through our partnership with Reprise Software

Need Help Finishing Your Licensing Project?

Let us help you! Our experienced consulting staff know the ins and outs of entitlement management and licensing. It’s what we’ve done for the last 20 years.

We are here to help our customers in all aspects of succeeding with entitlement management and licensing projects.

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The Power of Entitlement Management

The Power of Entitlement Management

Entitlement Management is securing, distributing and validating the intangibles of our commercial world. Learn about 5 key aspects of Entitlement Management in this free whitepaper. These key aspects include multi-license management, streamlined upgrades, flexible usage tracking, content download control and real-time reporting.

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See how Poetic can help you solve your entitlement management problems and further monetize your software applications.

Connect with us to learn more about what options you have to centralize and manage your subscriptions, IoT and license keys with Poetic.

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Poetic is a product developed and maintained by ModusLink Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Steel Connect Inc. Visit the ModusLink website for more information.

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