Our interconnected and interdependent business world demands more transparency and, at the same time, more privacy than ever. Businesses must find new ways to share information without compromising security and privacy.
Poetic leverages Blockchain technology in a way that does just that. It opens up new possibilities for product manufactures to share entitlement data with channel partners while protecting the data privacy interests of both parties.
Leverage the Power of Smart Contracts
Smart Contract technology extends the basic features of a blockchain allowing it to enforce and ensure that all agreed upon entitlement rules are followed. This technology will help build a relationship of trust between suppliers and their channel partners.
Protect Your Data with a Distributed System
Don't let worries about data loss hold you hostage. As a distributed database system, blockchain technologies are not susceptible to single points of data loss and by design make it next to impossible for data ransom schemes to work.
How it works
Poetic & Blockchain
- Poetic adds entitlement records to the blockchain.
- Any subsequent updates are captured in the blockchain as “sub-entitlements.”
- All these entitlements are sealed together on a block and made immutable by the block-chain process.
- Anyone viewing the entitlements can get an accurate, verifiable view of all of the transactions.